Daft.ie API V1 documentation and reference

Table of contents


This document assumes the reader is familiar with web development and programming for the web. Also, that API users have accepted the terms & conditions expressed on the API terms page.



The aim of the Daft.ie API is to open up a subset of Daft.ie's property data to third-party developers.

  1. Commercial users, such as estate agent clients of Daft.ie, who would like to build their own property search applications.


Basic usage diagram

Basic interactions between an end user, your website, and the Daft API.

The Daft.ie API uses the XML-based SOAP protocol over HTTP.

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Using the API


Each request to the API must be accompanied by an "API key". These keys are in the form of a hex string, not more than 40 characters in length.

Obtaining an API key

Generic errors

In addition to specific errors for each request, there are a number of generic errors that any request can return.

Error type Message Reason
PermissionFailure You do not have permission to perform this action. This can have a number of causes, but it may typically occur because your account:
  • is not enabled, or
  • does not have sufficient privileges to perform the requested operation.
You will need to contact Daft.ie support to resolve this problem.
AuthenticationFailure Authentication failed. This error usually means that your API key is invalid, malformed, or that you are attempting to use the API from a network not agreed upon with Daft.ie support.
UnknownFailure Request failed for an unknown reason. Something went wrong, and the cause was not apparent. You will need to contact Daft.ie support to resolve this problem.
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Request reference



ad_types: List all the ad types and their associated alternative texts.


Code samples are available for this request.


No arguments.

Return value

ad_types returns an array of ad types. Each ad type has four values:

Name Type Description
namestring Identifier for this ad type. Examples: "sale", "rental"
descstring Long description of this ad type. Example: "property for sale"
desc_pluralstring Long plural description of this ad type. Example: "properties for sale"
desc_shortstring Short description of this ad type. Example: "for sale"


There are no extra errors specific to this request.

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property_types: List the property types (house, apartment, bungalow, etc) for a particular ad type.


Code samples are available for this request.


Name Type Required Description
ad_typestring Required A valid ad type. Ad types are available from the ad_types request, or from the table in Appendix 1.

Return value

property_types returns an array of property types. Each property type contains the following elements:

Name Type Description
namestring Long singular form of the name. Example: "Apartment For Sale"
pluralstring Long plural form of the name. Example: "Apartments For Sale"
shortstring Short singular form of the name. Lowercase. Example: "apartment"
short_pluralstring Short plural form of the name. Lowercase. Example: "apartments"


Error type Message Reason
NoMatchFailure Invalid ad type: You specified an invalid ad_type. Correct values can be found by using the ad_types function, or by consulting the table in Appendix 1
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areas: Look up areas, counties, cities, postcodes, etc.


Code samples are available for this request.


Name Type Required Description
area_typestring Required A valid area_type:
  • area: Small Irish areas with formal names. Examples: "Drumcondra", "Tallaght", "Muff", "Bantry"
  • county: Irish counties. Examples: "Co. Meath", "Co. Wexford"
  • city: Irish cities. Examples: "Dublin City", "Cork City", "Limerick City"
  • general: Large areas without formal names. Examples: "Dublin City Centre", "Galway City Suburbs"
  • postcode: Irish postcodes, including Northern Irish. Examples: "Dublin 1", "Dublin 2", "BT6", "BT7"
ad_typestring Optional

A valid ad_type from ad_types. Required in order to know how many ads are active in each area.

Examples: "sale", "rental" - full listing in the reference table in Appendix 1

countyinteger array Optional Limit areas to those inside a county, or set of counties. A list of counties and associated IDs can be found by querying the areas request with an area_type of county.

This argument is valid for the following area_types: 'area', 'city', 'general' and 'postcode'.

  • [1] (for areas in Co. Dublin)
  • [1, 3, 4] (for areas in Dublin, Wicklow, or Kildare)
cityinteger array Optional Limit areas to those inside a city, or set of cities. A list of cities and associated IDs can be found by querying the areas request with an area_type of city.

This argument is valid for the following area_types: 'area', 'general' and 'postcode'.

  • [1] (for areas in Dublin City)
  • [1, 5] (for areas in Dublin or Limerick)
generalinteger array Optional Limit areas to those inside a general area, or set of general areas. A list of general areas and associated IDs can be found by querying the areas request with an area_type of general.

This argument is valid for the following area_types: 'area'.

  • [1] (for areas in Dublin City Centre)
  • [15, 18] (for areas in West Belfast City or North Belfast City)

Return value

If successful, areas returns an array of areas. Each "area" is an array with three elements:

Name Type Description
namestring Area name, like "Tallaght", "Dublin 9", "Belfast Commuter Towns"
idinteger The ID of this area. This ID can be used for the 'county', 'city' and 'general' arguments to narrow your search.
propertiesinteger A count of the number of properties matching ad_type in this area. If no ad_type is supplied, this value is -1.


Error type Message Reason
NoMatchFailure Invalid area type: You specified an invalid area_type. Correct values can be found in the description for the area_type argument above.
NoMatchFailure Invalid ad type: You specified an invalid ad_type. Correct values can be obtained from the ad_types function.
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features: List the predefined features (parking, heating, TV, etc) for a particular ad type.
N.B. This function does note return the list of features associated with a particular ad, but rather the list of possible features.


Code samples are available for this request.


Name Type Required Description
ad_typestring Required A valid ad type. Ad types are available from the ad_types request, or from the table in Appendix 1.

Note: The 'sale' ad type does not have a predefined set of features. Each sale ad has it's own user-generated set of features, so the features request has no meaning for sale ads.

Return value

features returns an array. Each entry in the array has the following elements:

Name Type Description
idinteger Numeric ID for this features on this ad_type. Note that the features vary for different ad_types.
nameinteger Examples: "Parking", "Central Heating", "House Alarm", "Pets Allowed"


Error type Message Reason
NoMatchFailure Invalid ad type: You specified an invalid ad_type. Correct values can be found by using the ad_types function, or by consulting the table in Appendix 1
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search_sale: Perform a search for "for sale" property.


Code samples are available for this request.

Search Arguments

The arguments are common for all property search requests, and are listed in the table below. All property search requests use a common set of arguments. Not all arguments apply to all ad types, and these are marked as such.

Name Type Required Description
idinteger Optional The ID number of a sale ad. This can be used to retrieve data for just one ad.
property_typestring array Optional The short names of any property types to include in the search. Valid short names can be found by using the property_types request for the appropriate ad type. Examples: 'house', 'apartment', 'site'
bedroomsinteger Optional The exact number of bedrooms.
min_bedroomsinteger Optional The minimum number of bedrooms.
max_bedroomsinteger Optional The maximum number of bedrooms.
min_priceinteger Optional The minimum price in euro.
max_priceinteger Optional The maximum price in euro.
txtstring Optional Perform a case-insensitive match on property descriptions. Search terms are delimited by spaces. Examples: "mantelpiece", "attic"
agreedinteger Optional The "sale agreed" or "rental agreed" status. Values:
  • 0: Available properties only. (default)
  • 1: Sale agreed properties only.
  • 2: Available or sale agreed properties.
days_oldinteger Optional The maximum number of days since the property ad was made live. For example, to search for properties added in the last week, set days_old to 7.
imagesinteger Optional Whether an ad has any images or not. Values:
  • 0: Ad may or may not have images. (default)
  • 1: Ad must have at least one image.
featuresinteger array Optional The id numbers of any features a property must have. The list of valid features is available from the features request.

This argument applies only to rental and commercial ads.

available_dateinteger Optional A UNIX-timestamp formatted date for the earliest date that properties should be available from.

This argument applies only to rental ads.

lease_lengthinteger Optional An integer number of months for the lease. Common lease lengths are 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, etc.

This argument applies only to rental ads.

rent_allowanceinteger Optional This item is deprecated
furnishedinteger array Optional The furnished state of the property.
  • 0: Either. (default)
  • 1: Must be furnished.
  • 2: Must be unfurnished.

This argument applies only to rental ads.

single_bedsinteger Optional The number of single bedrooms.

This argument applies only to rental ads.

twin_bedsinteger Optional The number of twin bedrooms. (Two single beds in one room)

This argument applies only to rental ads.

double_bedsinteger Optional The number of double bedrooms. (One double bed)

This argument applies only to rental ads.

countiesinteger array Optional The ID number of a county to include in the search. Valid IDs can be found by using the areas request.

Forward-compatibility warning: This value is an array of integers, and only the first one is used. In future releases of the Daft API, all values will be considered, allowing multiple counties to be searched at once.

Conflict warning: If the city and county parameters are both specified, only the city will be used.

citiesinteger array Optional The ID number of a city to include in the search. Valid IDs can be found by using the areas request.

Forward-compatibility warning: This value is an array of integers, and only the first one is used. In future releases of the Daft API, all values will be considered, allowing multiple cities to be searched at once.

Conflict warning: If the city and county parameters are both specified, only the city will be used.

general_areasinteger array Optional The ID numbers of any general areas to include in the search. Valid IDs can be found by using the areas request.
areasinteger array Optional The ID numbers of any areas to include in the search. Valid IDs can be found by using the areas request.
postcodesinteger array Optional The ID number of any postcodes to include in the search. Valid IDs can be found by using the areas request.
addressstring Optional Perform a case-insensitive match on street names. Examples: "Bridge St", "Main st"
Pagination options
perpageinteger Optional The number of properties to return for one page. Default: 10

Limitation warning: Most users will be limited to specifying values no larger than the default. If this causes a problem for you, contact Daft Support to remove this restriction.

pageinteger Optional Which page of results to return. Valid page numbers can be found from the 'pagination' section of a set of property results. Default: 1
Sorting options
sort_bystring Optional How to sort the property results. Values:
  • price: Selling price.
  • distance_city: When searching for properties in a city using the cities parameter, you can sort them by distance to the centre of that city.
  • distance_custom: You can sort properties by distance to a point you define with the distance_sort_... parameters below.
  • date: The date the property ad went live. For example, this can be used to put the most recent properties first.
  • priority_date: Sort by the ad priority, and then by the date.
sort_ascendingboolean Optional Controls the sort order for use with the sort_by parameter. Default: true
distance_sort_latitudefloat Optional A latitude to use with the distance_custom sort type above.
distance_sort_longitudefloat Optional A longitude to use with the distance_custom sort type above.

Return value

If successful, search_sale returns three elements:

Name Type Description
total_resultsinteger The total number of property ads matched by your search.
results_per_pageinteger The number of results per "page" of results. You may be able to adjust this with the perpage query argument.
num_pagesinteger The number of pages of results, based on total_results and results_per_page
current_pageinteger The current page of results.
first_on_pageinteger The index number of the first result on this page. For the first page it is 1, second page is 11, etc. (Example assumes ten results per page)
last_on_pageinteger The index number of the last result on this page. For the first page it is 10, second page is 20, etc. (Example assumes ten results per page)
Name Type Description
ad_idinteger The ID number of this sale ad.
daft_urlstring A URL to this property on Daft.ie.
property_typestring Examples: 'house', 'apartment', 'site'
house_typestring The type of house. Possible values:
  • terraced
  • semi-detached
  • detached
  • end-of-terrace
  • townhouse
selling_typestring The sale method. Examples: 'auction', 'private-treaty'
price_typestring The type of price. Examples: 'region', 'excess', 'on-application'
agreedinteger Whether a sale has been agreed for this property or not.
  • 0: Unsold
  • 1: Sale agreed
priorityinteger The priority of this ad.
  • 1: Premium
  • 2: Standard
  • 3: Free
descriptionstring A full-text description of this property. Example: "This lovely property is situated beside ..."
priceinteger The price of this property, in euro.
bathroomsinteger The number of bathrooms in this property.
bedroomsinteger The number of bedrooms in this property.
tax_sectionstring The section of the tax code this property falls under. Examples: "Section 23", "Section 27"
square_metresfloat The amount of internal floor space. Examples: 158.0, 187.19
acresfloat The number of acres associated with this property. Examples: 1.25, 10
addressstring A short form of the property address. Example: "50 Old Mill Lane, Townsville"
full_addressstring A long form of the property address. Example: "50 Old Mill Lane, Townsville, Dublin 4, South Dublin City"
areastring The small area with a formal name. Examples: "Santry", "Ashford"
countystring The county this property is in. Examples: "Co. Wicklow", "Co. Kerry"
citystring The city this property is in, if any. Examples: "Limerick", "Cork"
general_areastring A large area without a formal name, if this property is inside one. Examples: "Dublin City Centre", "Galway Commuter Towns"
postcodestring The postcode, if any. Not all properties will have a postcode. Examples: "Dublin 11", "Dublin 24"
latitudefloat The latitude of this property, if known. Example: 53.35404
longitudefloat The longitude of this property, if known. Example: -6.3328
latlon_accuracyinteger The accuracy of the latitude and longitude co-ordinates.
  • 0: Unknown - This property is not mapped, or the accuracy level is not known.
  • 1: High accuracy, exact match.
  • 2: Street-level match.
  • 3: Small area match.
  • 4: Medium area match.
  • 5: Large area, town/village.
Agent and contact information
agency_namestring The estate agent, auctioneer, or other organisation bringing this property to market.
contact_namestring The name of a person to contact regarding this property.
phone1string The first phone number of the person to contact regarding this property.
phone2string An alternate phone number for the person to contact regarding this property.
phoneinfostring When to call the phone1 or phone2 numbers. Examples: "Office Hours", "Anytime", "9am - 5pm"
main_emailstring The primary email address to contact regarding this property.
auction_addressstring The address of the auction event, if this property is being sold at auction.
Dates (in UNIX timestamp format)
listing_dateinteger A date for when this property ad went live, or was last renewed.
agreed_dateinteger A date for when a sale was agreed for this property.
auction_dateinteger A date for when the auction will take place, if this property is being sold at auction.
Main image
small_thumbnail_urlstring A URL to a small version of the main thumbnail for this property, which will be 100 pixels square.
medium_thumbnail_urlstring A URL to a medium version of the main thumbnail for this property, the longest dimension of which will be 160 pixels.
large_thumbnail_urlstring A URL to a large version of the main thumbnail for this property, the longest dimension of which will be 250 pixels.


There are no extra error types specific to this request.

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search_rental: Perform a search for "to let" property.


Code samples are available for this request.


The arguments are common for all property search requests, and are listed in the table above.

Return value

If successful, search_rental returns three elements:

Name Type Description
total_resultsinteger The total number of property ads matched by your search.
results_per_pageinteger The number of results per "page" of results. You may be able to adjust this with the perpage query argument.
num_pagesinteger The number of pages of results, based on total_results and results_per_page
current_pageinteger The current page of results.
first_on_pageinteger The index number of the first result on this page. For the first page it is 1, second page is 11, etc. (Example assumes ten results per page)
last_on_pageinteger The index number of the last result on this page. For the first page it is 10, second page is 20, etc. (Example assumes ten results per page)
Name Type Description
ad_idinteger The ID number of this rental ad.
daft_urlstring A URL to this property on Daft.ie.
property_typestring Examples: 'house', 'apartment'
agreedinteger Whether a letting has been agreed for this property or not.
  • 0: Available
  • 1: Let agreed
priorityinteger The priority of this ad.
  • 1: Premium
  • 2: Standard
  • 3: Free
descriptionstring A full-text description of this property. Example: "This lovely property is situated beside ..."
bathroomsinteger The number of bathrooms in this property.
bedroomsinteger The number of bedrooms in this property.
rentinteger The rent amount for this property. Note that this amount may be weekly or monthly. Use the rent_collection_period value to determine which.
rent_collection_periodstring How often the rent needs to be paid. Values: 'weekly', 'monthly'
furnishedinteger Whether the property comes with furniture.
  • 1 - Property is furnished.
  • 2 - Property is unfurnished.
  • 3 - Property can be supplied furnished or unfurnished.
featuresstring array An array of short strings for features the property may have. Example: ("Parking", "Central Heating", "Dishwasher")
single_bedsinteger The number of single bedrooms in this property.
double_bedsinteger The number of double bedrooms in this property.
twin_bedsinteger The number of twin bedrooms in this property.
lease_lengthinteger The length of the lease, in months.
rent_allowanceinteger This item is deprecated
addressstring A short form of the property address. Example: "50 Old Mill Lane, Townsville"
full_addressstring A long form of the property address. Example: "50 Old Mill Lane, Townsville, Dublin 4, South Dublin City"
areastring The small area with a formal name. Examples: "Santry", "Ashford"
countystring The county this property is in. Examples: "Co. Wicklow", "Co. Kerry"
citystring The city this property is in, if any. Examples: "Limerick", "Cork"
general_areastring A large area without a formal name, if this property is inside one. Examples: "Dublin City Centre", "Galway Commuter Towns"
postcodestring The postcode, if any. Not all properties will have a postcode. Examples: "Dublin 11", "Dublin 24"
latitudefloat The latitude of this property, if known. Example: 53.35404
longitudefloat The longitude of this property, if known. Example: -6.3328
latlon_accuracyinteger The accuracy of the latitude and longitude co-ordinates.
  • 0: Unknown - This property is not mapped, or the accuracy level is not known.
  • 1: High accuracy, exact match.
  • 2: Street-level match.
  • 3: Small area match.
  • 4: Medium area match.
  • 5: Large area, town/village.
Agent and contact information
agency_namestring The estate agent, auctioneer, or other organisation bringing this property to market.
contact_namestring The name of a person to contact regarding this property.
phone1string The first phone number of the person to contact regarding this property.
phone2string An alternate phone number for the person to contact regarding this property.
phoneinfostring When to call the phone1 or phone2 numbers. Examples: "Office Hours", "Anytime", "9am - 5pm"
main_emailstring The primary email address to contact regarding this property.
Dates (in UNIX timestamp format)
listing_dateinteger A date for when this property ad went live, or was renewed.
agreed_dateinteger A date for when a sale was agreed for this property.
available_dateinteger A date for when the property is available from.
start_pay_dateinteger A date for when the first rent payment is due.
Main image
small_thumbnail_urlstring A URL to a small version of the main thumbnail for this property, which will be 100 pixels square.
medium_thumbnail_urlstring A URL to a medium version of the main thumbnail for this property, the longest dimension of which will be 160 pixels.
large_thumbnail_urlstring A URL to a large version of the main thumbnail for this property, the longest dimension of which will be 250 pixels.


There are no extra error types specific to this request.

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search_commercial: Perform a search for commercial property, both "for sale" and "to let".


Code samples are available for this request.


The arguments are common for all property search requests, and are listed in the table above.

Return value

If successful, search_commercial returns three elements:

Name Type Description
total_resultsinteger The total number of property ads matched by your search.
results_per_pageinteger The number of results per "page" of results. You may be able to adjust this with the perpage query argument.
num_pagesinteger The number of pages of results, based on total_results and results_per_page
current_pageinteger The current page of results.
first_on_pageinteger The index number of the first result on this page. For the first page it is 1, second page is 11, etc. (Example assumes ten results per page)
last_on_pageinteger The index number of the last result on this page. For the first page it is 10, second page is 20, etc. (Example assumes ten results per page)
Name Type Description
ad_idinteger The ID number of this commercial ad.
daft_urlstring A URL to this property on Daft.ie.
property_typestring Examples: 'office', 'retail unit', 'industrial'
contract_typeinteger The type of contract this property is available under.
  • 0: For sale or rent.
  • 1: For sale only.
  • 2: For rent only.
  • 3: For auction only.
agreedinteger Whether a sale or letting has been agreed for this property.
  • 0: Available
  • 1: Sale or letting agreed
priorityinteger The priority of this ad.
  • 1: Premium
  • 2: Standard
  • 3: Free
descriptionstring A full-text description of this property. Example: "This lovely property is situated beside ..."
rentinteger The rent amount for this property. Note that this amount may be weekly or monthly. Use the rent_collection_period value to determine which.
rent_collection_periodstring How often the rent needs to be paid. Values: 'yearly', 'monthly'
furnishedinteger Whether the property comes with furniture. 0 = unfurnished, 1 = furnished, other values reserved for future use.
featuresstring array An array of short strings for features the property may have. Example: ("Parking", "Alarm", "Meeting rooms")
priceinteger Sale price for this property. This field should be ignored if the property is up for rental only.
sq_ftinteger The area of the property, in square feet.
peopleinteger The number of people that this property is suitable for.
addressstring A short form of the property address. Example: "50 Old Mill Lane, Townsville"
full_addressstring A long form of the property address. Example: "50 Old Mill Lane, Townsville, Dublin 4, South Dublin City"
areastring The small area with a formal name. Examples: "Santry", "Ashford"
countystring The county this property is in. Examples: "Co. Wicklow", "Co. Kerry"
citystring The city this property is in, if any. Examples: "Limerick", "Cork"
general_areastring A large area without a formal name, if this property is inside one. Examples: "Dublin City Centre", "Galway Commuter Towns"
postcodestring The postcode, if any. Not all properties will have a postcode. Examples: "Dublin 11", "Dublin 24"
latitudefloat The latitude of this property, if known. Example: 53.35404
longitudefloat The longitude of this property, if known. Example: -6.3328
latlon_accuracyinteger The accuracy of the latitude and longitude co-ordinates.
  • 0: Unknown - This property is not mapped, or the accuracy level is not known.
  • 1: High accuracy, exact match.
  • 2: Street-level match.
  • 3: Small area match.
  • 4: Medium area match.
  • 5: Large area, town/village.
auction_addressstring The address of the auction event, if this property is being sold at auction.
Agent and contact information
agency_namestring The estate agent, auctioneer, or other organisation bringing this property to market.
contact_namestring The name of a person to contact regarding this property.
phone1string The first phone number of the person to contact regarding this property.
phone2string An alternate phone number for the person to contact regarding this property.
phoneinfostring When to call the phone1 or phone2 numbers. Examples: "Office Hours", "Anytime", "9am - 5pm"
main_emailstring The primary email address to contact regarding this property.
Dates (in UNIX timestamp format)
listing_dateinteger A date for when this property ad went live, or was renewed.
agreed_dateinteger A date for when a sale was agreed for this property.
available_dateinteger A date for when the property is available from.
start_pay_dateinteger A date for when the first rent payment is due.
auction_dateinteger A date for when the auction will take place, if this property is being sold at auction.
Main image
small_thumbnail_urlstring A URL to a small version of the main thumbnail for this property, which will be 100 pixels square.
medium_thumbnail_urlstring A URL to a medium version of the main thumbnail for this property, the longest dimension of which will be 160 pixels.
large_thumbnail_urlstring A URL to a large version of the main thumbnail for this property, the longest dimension of which will be 250 pixels.


There are no extra error types specific to this request.

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search_new_development: Perform a search for new developments for sale.


Code samples are available for this request.


The arguments are common for all property search requests, and are listed in the table above.

Return value

If successful, search_new_development returns three elements:

Name Type Description
total_resultsinteger The total number of property ads matched by your search.
results_per_pageinteger The number of results per "page" of results. You may be able to adjust this with the perpage query argument.
num_pagesinteger The number of pages of results, based on total_results and results_per_page
current_pageinteger The current page of results.
first_on_pageinteger The index number of the first result on this page. For the first page it is 1, second page is 11, etc. (Example assumes ten results per page)
last_on_pageinteger The index number of the last result on this page. For the first page it is 10, second page is 20, etc. (Example assumes ten results per page)
Name Type Description
ad_idinteger The ID number of this new_development ad.
daft_urlstring A URL to this property on Daft.ie.
tag_linestring A "tag line" entered by the agent selling this property. Example: "Delicious living"
locationstring A short description of the area this property is in, entered by the agent selling this property.
developer_namestring Short name for the property developer who built this new development.
developer_infostring General information about the development company.
units_availableinteger The number of unsold units remaining in this development.
units_totalinteger The total number of units unsold in this development. Note that this figure may be different from the number of entries in the `units` field, as there may be more than one unit of each type available.
priorityinteger The priority of this ad.
  • 1: Premium
  • 2: Standard
  • 3: Free
descriptionstring A full-text description of this property. Example: "This lovely property is situated beside ..."
unitssale ad array units is an array of individual property ads, with the same properties as a sale ad.
addressstring A short form of the property address. Example: "50 Old Mill Lane, Townsville"
full_addressstring A long form of the property address. Example: "50 Old Mill Lane, Townsville, Dublin 4, South Dublin City"
areastring The small area with a formal name. Examples: "Santry", "Ashford"
countystring The county this property is in. Examples: "Co. Wicklow", "Co. Kerry"
citystring The city this property is in, if any. Examples: "Limerick", "Cork"
general_areastring A large area without a formal name, if this property is inside one. Examples: "Dublin City Centre", "Galway Commuter Towns"
postcodestring The postcode, if any. Not all properties will have a postcode. Examples: "Dublin 11", "Dublin 24"
latitudefloat The latitude of this property, if known. Example: 53.35404
longitudefloat The longitude of this property, if known. Example: -6.3328
latlon_accuracyinteger The accuracy of the latitude and longitude co-ordinates.
  • 0: Unknown - This property is not mapped, or the accuracy level is not known.
  • 1: High accuracy, exact match.
  • 2: Street-level match.
  • 3: Small area match.
  • 4: Medium area match.
  • 5: Large area, town/village.
Agent and contact information
agency_namestring The estate agent, auctioneer, or other organisation bringing this property to market.
contact_namestring The name of a person to contact regarding this property.
phone1string The first phone number of the person to contact regarding this property.
phone2string An alternate phone number for the person to contact regarding this property.
phoneinfostring When to call the phone1 or phone2 numbers. Examples: "Office Hours", "Anytime", "9am - 5pm"
main_emailstring The primary email address to contact regarding this property.
Dates (in UNIX timestamp format)
listing_dateinteger A date for when this property ad went live, or was renewed.
agreed_dateinteger A date for when a sale was agreed for this property.
available_dateinteger A date for when the property is available from.
start_pay_dateinteger A date for when the first rent payment is due.
auction_dateinteger A date for when the auction will take place, if this property is being sold at auction.
Main image
small_thumbnail_urlstring A URL to a small version of the main thumbnail for this property, which will be 100 pixels square.
medium_thumbnail_urlstring A URL to a medium version of the main thumbnail for this property, the longest dimension of which will be 160 pixels.
large_thumbnail_urlstring A URL to a large version of the main thumbnail for this property, the longest dimension of which will be 250 pixels.


There are no extra error types specific to this request.

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search_shortterm: Perform a search for short-term rental property.


Code samples are available for this request.


The arguments are common for all property search requests, and are listed in the table above.

Return value

If successful, search_shortterm returns three elements:

Name Type Description
total_resultsinteger The total number of property ads matched by your search.
results_per_pageinteger The number of results per "page" of results. You may be able to adjust this with the perpage query argument.
num_pagesinteger The number of pages of results, based on total_results and results_per_page
current_pageinteger The current page of results.
first_on_pageinteger The index number of the first result on this page. For the first page it is 1, second page is 11, etc. (Example assumes ten results per page)
last_on_pageinteger The index number of the last result on this page. For the first page it is 10, second page is 20, etc. (Example assumes ten results per page)
Name Type Description
ad_idinteger The ID number of this shortterm ad.
daft_urlstring A URL to this property on Daft.ie.
property_typestring Examples: 'house', 'apartment'
agreedinteger Whether a letting has been agreed for this property or not.
  • 0: Available
  • 1: Let agreed
priorityinteger The priority of this ad.
  • 1: Premium
  • 2: Standard
  • 3: Free
descriptionstring A full-text description of this property. Example: "This lovely property is situated beside ..."
bathroomsinteger The number of bathrooms in this property.
bedroomsinteger The number of bedrooms in this property.
rentinteger The rent amount for this property. Note that this amount may be weekly or monthly. Use the rent_collection_period value to determine which.
rent_collection_periodstring How often the rent needs to be paid. Values: 'weekly', 'monthly'
featuresstring array An array of short strings for features the property may have. Example: ("Parking", "Central Heating", "Dishwasher")
single_bedsinteger The number of single bedrooms in this property.
double_bedsinteger The number of double bedrooms in this property.
twin_bedsinteger The number of twin bedrooms in this property.
addressstring A short form of the property address. Example: "50 Old Mill Lane, Townsville"
full_addressstring A long form of the property address. Example: "50 Old Mill Lane, Townsville, Dublin 4, South Dublin City"
areastring The small area with a formal name. Examples: "Santry", "Ashford"
countystring The county this property is in. Examples: "Co. Wicklow", "Co. Kerry"
citystring The city this property is in, if any. Examples: "Limerick", "Cork"
general_areastring A large area without a formal name, if this property is inside one. Examples: "Dublin City Centre", "Galway Commuter Towns"
postcodestring The postcode, if any. Not all properties will have a postcode. Examples: "Dublin 11", "Dublin 24"
latitudefloat The latitude of this property, if known. Example: 53.35404
longitudefloat The longitude of this property, if known. Example: -6.3328
latlon_accuracyinteger The accuracy of the latitude and longitude co-ordinates.
  • 0: Unknown - This property is not mapped, or the accuracy level is not known.
  • 1: High accuracy, exact match.
  • 2: Street-level match.
  • 3: Small area match.
  • 4: Medium area match.
  • 5: Large area, town/village.
Agent and contact information
agency_namestring The estate agent, auctioneer, or other organisation bringing this property to market.
contact_namestring The name of a person to contact regarding this property.
phone1string The first phone number of the person to contact regarding this property.
phone2string An alternate phone number for the person to contact regarding this property.
phoneinfostring When to call the phone1 or phone2 numbers. Examples: "Office Hours", "Anytime", "9am - 5pm"
main_emailstring The primary email address to contact regarding this property.
Dates (in UNIX timestamp format)
listing_dateinteger A date for when this property ad went live, or was renewed.
agreed_dateinteger A date for when a sale was agreed for this property.
available_dateinteger A date for when the property is available from.
start_pay_dateinteger A date for when the first rent payment is due.
Main image
small_thumbnail_urlstring A URL to a small version of the main thumbnail for this property, which will be 100 pixels square.
medium_thumbnail_urlstring A URL to a medium version of the main thumbnail for this property, the longest dimension of which will be 160 pixels.
large_thumbnail_urlstring A URL to a large version of the main thumbnail for this property, the longest dimension of which will be 250 pixels.


There are no extra error types specific to this request.

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media: Find all the media for a property ad.


Code samples are available for this request.


The media request accepts an array identifying a property ad:

Name Type Required Description
ad_typestring Required A valid ad type. Ad types are available from the ad_types request, or from the table in Appendix 1.
ad_idinteger Required A valid ad_id, as returned by a property search.

Return value

media returns a set of media for an ad. A media set has the following form:

Name Type Description
ad_typestring The type of this ad. This will be the same as the value provided in the arguments.
ad_idinteger The ID of this ad. This will be the same as the value provided in the arguments.
imagesarray An array of image results. The structure of each image result is detailed in the table below.
Image results
Name Type Description
captionstring Short sentence describing this image.
large_urlstring A URL to the large image, the longest dimension of which will not exceed 600 pixels.
medium_urlstring A URL to the medium image, the longest dimension of which will not exceed 400 pixels.
small_urlstring A URL to the small image, the longest dimension of which will not exceed 250 pixels.


Error type Message Reason
NoMatchFailure Invalid ad type: You specified an invalid ad_type. Correct values can be found by using the ad_types function, or by consulting the table in Appendix 1
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PHP5 sample code

You can find more examples in other languages on the Sample Code page.

     * This example will do a basic search for residential "for sale" property.

$DaftAPI = new SoapClient(
, array('features' => SOAP_SINGLE_ELEMENT_ARRAYS)

$parameters = array(
'api_key'   =>  "4039260_invalid_example_key_87b7c7c267fa"
'query'   =>  array('bedrooms' => 2)

$response $DaftAPI->search_sale($parameters);
$results $response->results;

$results->ads as $ad)
'<a href="%s">%s</a><br />'


The response fetched by this code should have the following structure:

  stdClass Object
      [search_sentence] => 2 bed properties for sale anywhere in Ireland
      [pagination] => stdClass Object
              [total_results] => 8261
              [results_per_page] => 10
              [num_pages] => 827
              [current_page] => 1
              [first_on_page] => 1
              [last_on_page] => 10
      [ads] => Array
              [0] => stdClass Object
                      [ad_id] => 123456
                      [daft_url] => http://www.daft.ie/cavan/etc/123456/
                      [property_type] => house

For a full listing of ad properties and query parameters, see the reference documentation.

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Appendix 1: Tables

Ad types

List of all valid ad types. This data is equivalent to what the ad_types request returns. This data rarely changes, so it is reproduced here to serve as a quick reference.

Ad type Name Name (Plural) Name (Short)
shortterm short-term letting short-term lettings short-term
sharing accommodation sharing accommodation sharing sharing
sale property for sale properties for sale for sale
rental property to let properties to let to let
parking parking space parking spaces parking
new_development new home for sale new homes for sale for sale
commercial commercial property commercial properties commercial