Daft.ie API terms & conditions

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Reasonable use policy

Please see our Terms & Conditions regarding acceptable usage of the Daft API.

Basically, the usage policy comes down to:

If you think we won't like it, don't do it. If in doubt, ask us!
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The Daft.ie API team will endeavour to maintain backwards-compatibility. However, this may not be possible in some situations and a new version will be required. In this case, the upgrade procedure is outlined below.

For a period of 120 days, both the old and new versions of the API will be available. During this time, some or all API users will need to make some changes in order to continue using the service.

Migration guide

For each version change, a migration guide will be published. This guide will detail the changes in the newest version, and suggest what changes may need to be made to systems using the API in order to upgrade.


It is the responsibility of individual API users to ensure that their application is using the most recent version of the service. However, Daft.ie will provide notification to keep users up to date.

Additionally, all API users should regularly check the API site at http://api.daft.ie or subscribe to the Daft API blog RSS feed. This service may provide news about backwards-compatible changes, new features, extra advance warning of backwards-incompatible changes, and developer resources.

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Depending on your account type, you may have some limitations.

Commercial users

Commercial accounts are generally free from most usage restrictions. There are some minor exceptions, and these are detailed in the request reference section below.

Personal users

Personal accounts are initially limited to a maximum of 1,000 requests in any 24-hour period. We realise that this may be insufficient for many applications, and we're generally happy to raise your limit much higher when it becomes necessary. If in doubt, get in touch!

Additionally, some data mentioned in the API is not available to personal users. Individual limitations are covered in more detail in the request reference section below.

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